Welcome to Sportpferde Ehning
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the website of Sportpferde Ehning.
Get to know our riding-stable and inform yourself about our successful stallions as well as our world-famous horses. In addition, we will give you an insight into the glorious past of our victorious horses, such as the well-known Olympic champion “For Pleasure”. Of course, we will also keep you up to date on current events relating to sport horses in Ehning.

Marcus Ehning is to German showjumping like the stirrup to the saddle. Read more about the genuine Westfalian and successful rider and horseman:
Marcus started riding at the age of seven. He took riding lessons, along with his sister, Kerstin, in the riding club of Borken. Some videos still exist in the Ehning archives of Marcus’ first beginner’s shows (E- and A-classes) on Ponies and adult horses.Although not every ride was successful, Marcus was very ambitious from the beginning. As a result, he once received a special award for completing a course—even though in the process he had fallen off the horse three times!
Marcus quickly learned how to adjust to different horses and his father Richard made sure that he had suitable horses.
Marcus started riding at the age of seven. He took riding lessons, along with his sister, Kerstin, in the riding club of Borken. Some videos still exist in the Ehning archives of Marcus’ first beginner’s shows (E- and A-classes) on Ponies and adult horses.
Although not every ride was successful, Marcus was very ambitious from the beginning. As a result, he once received a special award for completing a course—even though in the process he had fallen off the horse three times! Marcus quickly learned how to adjust to different horses and his father Richard made sure that he had suitable horses.All of the Ehning children learned how to ride on the Pony “Narmit”, who brought Marcus safely to success. “Lord,” Marcus’ first adult horse, gave him the confidence to compete in his first low and medium level shows (L- and M classes). Marcus then rode “Metaxa,” a horse very dear to him but also for sale. When she was as good as sold, however, Marcus lit a candle for her every evening and spent his time sitting next to her in the stable. Marcus’ father got the message and cancelled the deal.
Another pony called “Starlight” was responsible for Marcus’ first international success and helped him win the Gold Medal in the European Championships in both 1990/91. With “Starlight” and “Queen” he triumphed in several medium level shows (M-classes). He finally won the German Championships in 1991 with his third pony “Bright Ruby.”Marcus competed his first high level show (S-class) with “Cygan.” He finished the class with two rails down. At the age of sixteen, Marcus changed from riding ponies to adult horses. During this time “Orchidee“, “Opium“ and “Talan“ were his most important horses. With these three horses, Marcus won the Gold Medal in the European Championships four times in the five year period of his junior and young rider time.
Marcus had a lot of exciting jump-offs, especially with his horse “Opium“. With the gelding he won more than 40 classes, among these triumphantly the “Preis der Nationen” (Nations Cup) as well as the Grand Prix in Warsaw. Today, the 26 year-old horse enjoys his well deserved retirement on Ehning’s pastures.Marcus achieved his first adult international show successes with the horses “Costa”, “Antares” and the above mentioned “Opium”.
With the arrival of “For Pleasure” at the Ehning’s barn close to Christmas in 1998, the real success story started. “For Pleasure’s” previous career with rider Lars Nieberg is surely still in everybodies memory. His enourmous jumping talent, vibrant presence and wonderful character made the Hanovarian stallion an extraordinary horse.
Plot Blue, Cornado, Comme Il Faut, Singular LS La Silla, Gaudi and Sabrina belong to Marcus’ top level horses.
Besides the top horses, Marcus also trains a set of promising young horses. Up to 10 horses are trained by him on a daily basis.
In his spare time, Marcus plays soccer with his brother Johannes. Not far from the competition stable Marcus and his family live in their own home.
Name: Marcus Ehning
geboren: 1974
Familienstand: verheiratet mit Nadia Ehning (geb. Zülow)
Kinder: Yula Ekaterina (2009), Davy Andreas (2011), Nael Fyor (2013), Lyas Anatol (2016)
Eltern: Hilde Ehning (Lehrerin), Richard Ehning (Viehkaufmann)
Geschwister: Kerstin (1973), Karina (1979), Cornelia (1981), Johannes (1982)
Berufsausbildung: Groß- und Außenhandelskaufmann
Lieblingsfarbe: grün
Leibspeise: Rumpsteak mit Pommes
Lieblingspferd: Panama
Erfolgspferd: For Pleasure
Lieblingstier: Pferd, Hund
Lieblingsfilm: Forrest Gump
Lieblingsgetränk: Apfelschorle, Kaffee
Lieblingsreiseziel: Dubai
Lieblingsturnier: CHIO Aachen
Lieblingsschauspieler: Tom Hanks
Breeding stallions
Our breeding stallions represent quality and proven athletic heritage.
Renowned sires have proven success in their own right and will pass on their talents and motivation to the next generation. Offspring of our sires are competing very successfully in national and international competitions. Here you see the overview of our breeding stallions – if you have questions do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
For Pleasure
Born: 1986
Died: 2011
Sire: Furioso II
Dam: Gigantin von Grannus – Goya
Breeder: Robert Diestel
Owner: Robert Diestel Stiftung
Contact information
More information available from:
Laersche Straße 28
D – 49219 GlandorfTel: +49 (0) 5426 4173
Fax: +49 (0) 5426 3943Internet: www.Zuchthof-Zilling.de
E-Mail: Brigitte.Zilling@Zuchthof-Zilling.de
2000 Gold medal at the Olympic Games in Sydney with the Team and 4th place in the individual standings
1999 and 2003 Gold medal at the European Championships in Hickstead and Donaueschingen with the team
2003 Bronze medal at the European Championships in Donaueschingen in the individual standings
10 international Grand Prix wins
7 Nation Cup wins for Germany
A la Carte NRW
Born: 2008
Sire: Abke
Dam: Luxilla von Lux – Polydor
Owner: Landgestüt NRW
Contact information
More Information available from:
NRW Landgestüt
Zentral-Besamungsstation Warendorf
Sassenberger Str. 11
48231 WarendorfTel.: 02581/636927
Mobil: 0172/ 2906158
Fax: 02581/ 636951Mail: hengststation-waf@landgestuet.nrw.de
Funky Fred
Born: 2005
Sire: For Pleasure
Dam: Panama von Pilot – Salut
Breeder: Hilde Ehning
Owner: Sportpferde Ehning GbR
Contact information
More information available from:
NRW Landgestüt
Zentral Besamungsstation Warendorf
Sassenberger Str. 11 · 48321 WarendorfTel: 02581/636927
Mobil: 0172/2906158Fax: 02581/636951
Email: hengsstation-waf@landgestüt.nrw.de
Sandro Boy
Born: 1993
Sire: Sandro
Dam: Wiadora von Grannus – Argentinus
Breeder: Rudolf Meyer
Owner: NYBOR Pferde – GmbH & Co KG
Contact information
More information available from:
Hengststation Vornholt
Angelmodder Weg 82 · 48167 MünsterTel: +49 02506/1244
Fax:+49 02506/6169
Station: +49 0160/7269629 · +49 0171/5316249
Internet: www.hengststation-vornholt.de
Email: info@hubertvornholt.de
2007 Winner in the Nations Cup of Barcelona
2006 Winner of the World Cup Final in Kuala Lumpur
14 Wins in international Grand Prix
For Pleasure

For Pleasure
Born: 1986
Died: 2011
Sire: Furioso II
Dam: Gigantin von Grannus – Goya
Breeder: Robert Diestel
Owner: Robert Diestel Stiftung
Contact information
More information available from:
Laersche Straße 28
D – 49219 Glandorf
Tel: +49 (0) 5426 4173
Fax: +49 (0) 5426 3943
Internet: www.Zuchthof-Zilling.de
E-Mail: Brigitte.Zilling@Zuchthof-Zilling.de
2000 Gold medal at the Olympic Games in Sydney with the Team and 4th place in the individual standings
1999 and 2003 Gold medal at the European Championships in Hickstead and Donaueschingen with the team
2003 Bronze medal at the European Championships in Donaueschingen in the individual standings
10 international Grand Prix wins
7 Nation Cup wins for Germany
A la Carte NRW-DE

A la Carte NRW
Born: 2008
Sire: Abke
Dam: Luxilla von Lux – Polydor
Owner: Landgestüt NRW
Contact information
More Information available from:
NRW Landgestüt
Zentral-Besamungsstation Warendorf
Sassenberger Str. 11
48231 Warendorf
Tel.: 02581/636927
Mobil: 0172/ 2906158
Fax: 02581/ 636951
Mail: hengststation-waf@landgestuet.nrw.de
Funky Fred

Funky Fred
Born: 2005
Sire: For Pleasure
Dam: Panama von Pilot – Salut
Breeder: Hilde Ehning
Owner: Sportpferde Ehning GbR
Contact information
More information available from:
NRW Landgestüt
Zentral Besamungsstation Warendorf
Sassenberger Str. 11 · 48321 Warendorf
Tel: 02581/636927
Mobil: 0172/2906158
Fax: 02581/636951
Email: hengsstation-waf@landgestüt.nrw.de
Sandro Boy

Sandro Boy
Born: 1993
Sire: Sandro
Dam: Wiadora von Grannus – Argentinus
Breeder: Rudolf Meyer
Owner: NYBOR Pferde – GmbH & Co KG
Contact information
More information available from:
Hengststation Vornholt
Angelmodder Weg 82 · 48167 Münster
Tel: +49 02506/1244
Fax:+49 02506/6169
Station: +49 0160/7269629 · +49 0171/5316249
Internet: www.hengststation-vornholt.de
Email: info@hubertvornholt.de
2007 Winner in the Nations Cup of Barcelona
2006 Winner of the World Cup Final in Kuala Lumpur
14 Wins in international Grand Prix

“And in fact, a horse that carries itself proudly, is something so beautiful, admirable and astonishing, that it attracts the eyes of all spectators. Nobody gets tired of looking at it as long as it shows itself in its splendor.“

Our sport would only be marginally possible without the support of our sponsors and supporters.
For us, sponsoring means a trusting relationship and also a bit of a “win-win situation”. For the support of our longtime sponsors and supporters we are especially grateful. Thank you very much!
Our partners have, in part, supported us for many years.
The cooperation with specially selected brands is a conscious decision for responsability and effectiveness in the horse sport – a passion we have in common. Together we create synergy – day in, day out and that’s why we are a strong team. Thank you very much!